The Real Marriage Podcast
After ten years of marriage, two miscarriages, five children, job-changes and all kinds of surprises we’ve learned so much about what a Real Marriage is meant to look like. Yet, so many couples who were once madly in love, now feel distant, overwhelmed, isolated, and hopeless in their marriage. We knew it was time to get in the trenches and start an honest conversation about the gift of a Real Marriage. We began the Real Marriage podcast to help couples find their passion for marriage again. Our goal is to inspire and encourage you through conversations about our own marriage as well as through interviews with real couples and experts dealing with issues we all face in our marriages.
The Real Marriage Podcast
Set Apart
Griffin & Heather Gilstrap
Season 7
Episode 1
The longer we are married the deeper our conversations get about who we want to become.
We talk a lot about our foundation, the growth areas of our lives and what we truly care the most about.
For us, we want a marriage and a life that is set a part. Free from what the world and culture is chasing, which by the way doesn't seem to work out for many people anyway, and driven towards what is most important.
That is a life centered around fully pursuing Jesus and what the Lord designed us for. What we have learned is that this is a life that is set apart. It is challenging, it's fulfilling and it is a beautiful journey.
Join us for the next few episodes as we dig into what a marriage set apart looks like.